
Samsung introduced a massive digital installation showroom for its home appliance line. The retail display called CenterStage, was built by the Barbarian Group using its open-source software Cinder, which won the first Cannes Grand Prix for innovation in 2013. Barbarian’s task was to build an immersive shopping experience and resulted in a six-by-eleven foot wall with eight high-def displays and one 85 inch touchscreen showcasing a range of Samsung products in their actual size.

Working with the design and development teams at Barbarian Group, I helped set the motion language for the UI and throughout the UX and infographics.


My role: Motion Lead. Built UI prototypes. Motion design for infographics, UX and UI.

Agency: Barbarian Group
Client: Samsung
Creative Directors: Lutz Vogel, Keith Butters, Jill Nussbaum

Read an interview with Lutz Vogel & Andrew Bell on Motionographer.
Find out more from The Barbarian Group

Creative Director Lutz Vogel has a great behind the scenes video in which you can also see some of my contributions to the UI/UX at 2:45 and infographics at 3:15.

Watch the CenterStage Sizzle Reel.